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83 year old patient says Dr. Razdan is a miracle


Miracles can happen! Here is a prime example of why patients from all walks of life choose Dr. Razdan for their prostate cancer surgery.

This patient is 83 years old and was told by some of the most recognized institutions that he didn’t have a chance. Then he met Dr. Razdan, and the rest is history. He is now prostate cancer free, with no incontinence, and having sex again. Did we mention he is 83 years old?

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I am a very happy patient of Dr. Razdan. I believe he saved my life and my quality of life. I saw 6 doctors before him. I was told I needed 39 radiation therapies plus a year and a half of injections to kill my testosterone. When I met Dr. Razdan, all of a sudden my future changed! He said no problem, I will operate on you. I am 83 years old so it’s not an easy task even though I am in good health. I was told by a doctor in the Cleveland Clinic, I would never recommend surgery for anyone over 70 years old, not even my father. At the Miami Cancer Institute, I had a 50/50 probability of needing radiation and shots. I was operated by Dr. Razdan, 3 months ago. I only wore a pamper for one night after the foley was removed. After that I haven’t needed pampers. My sex life is returning and I am very happy. I feel like a miracle. Truly Dr. Razdan is a miracle. I recommend him, and I’m open to speak to anyone who wants to call me and ask me questions, I’d be glad to recommend Dr. Razdan. Again he saved my life and changed my life completely.


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