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Dr. Razdan over 1 hour faster then US National Average

Dr. Razdan over 1 hour faster then US National Average

This data comes direct from Intuitive Surgical’s DaVinci Robot that analyzes surgery speed by Dr. Razdan vs the national average.

As you can clearly see, experience makes a huge difference. Dr. Razdan’s average surgical time performing Robotic Radical Prostatectomy is more then 1 hour faster the entire US National Average.

That means the patient has over 1 hour less of anesthesia, goes into recovery faster and less chance for complications. Dr. Razdan is not only one of the MOST experienced robotic prostate cancer surgeons, but he is also one of the fastest! That means less operative time for the patient = better outcomes.

If you are considering Robotic Surgery, consider this before making a decision.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Razdan, call 305-251-8650

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