Watch Dr. Razdan perform Robotic Prostate Surgery
da Vinci® Robotic Prostatectomy
Robotic Prostatectomy Information
da Vinci® Robotic Prostatectomy: A Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure
When facing a diagnosis of prostate cancer, it is important to learn about all treatments and surgical options. If your doctor recommends surgery to treat your prostate cancer, you may be a candidate for a new, less-invasive surgical procedure called da Vinci® Robotic Prostatectomy. This Robotic Prostatectomy procedure incorporates a state-of-the-art surgical system that helps your surgeon see vital anatomical structures more clearly and to perform a more precise surgical procedure.

First Time in the World Revolutionary Procedure Developed by Dr. Razdan Saves Patients Sex Lives
What is Robotic Prostatectomy?
For most patients, da Vinci® Robotic Prostatectomy Surgery offers numerous potential benefits over open prostatectomy including:
- Shorter Hospital Stay
- Minimal Pain
- Less Risk of Infection
- No Blood Transfusions
- Less Scarring
- Faster Recovery
- Quicker Return to Normal Activities
- Excellent Urinary Control
- Excellent Erections