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Urinary Symptoms and Treatment

Urinary Symptoms and Treatment


urinary problems

The very normal and physiological act of voiding urine can have disturbances leading to profound decrease in the quality of life of both men and women. No age is exempt from urinary problems. It is of common occurrence to have conditions like urinary tract infections, prostate infections in men and even stones in the urinary tract which can potentially lead to increasing difficulty in the act of passing urine (micturition). Often, one or more conditions may co-exist. Commonly observed causes of difficult micturition are obesity, advanced age, urinary tract infections, persistent cold and cough, fever, and bladder infection etc. Some of the most common causes of difficulty in passing urine in men is an enlarging prostate or a narrowing of the urethra (the tube that allows urine to pass from the bladder to the outside).

Urinary Problems In Women

When it comes to micturition issues, women are more prone due to their anatomy. A short urethra and proximity of the urinary and genital systems make urine highly susceptible to infections with the slightest of change in local environment. Besides, pregnancy and multiple normal deliveries make a woman vulnerable to infections and subsequent female stress urinary incontinence. Change in the hormonal status is responsible for increasing number of urinary infections in women after menopause. Sexual activity too plays a significant role.

Urinary Problems In Men

Though relatively uncommon than woman, men are not completely spared. Prostate is an accessory sexual gland present only in males through which the normal urinary passage flows. With age this gland progressively increases in size and starts obstructing the urinary passage leading to a variety of problems like sense of incomplete evacuation, a very slow stream of urine, or difficulty in initiating urination.

Generally, around 40-50 percent of adults have struggled during micturition during their lifetime. Among the array of symptoms anyone can have, we focus here on the common problem of leakage of urine (incontinence).

Stress incontinence: One may experience involuntary lose of urine while doing trivial activities like coughing, sneezing, lifting small weights, etc. The amount of leak quantifies the severity of this problem which happens due to laxity of the pelvis floor muscles.  More commonly seen in women who have had multiple vaginal deliveries or prolonged labor.

Urge incontinence: Equally common in both the sexes this is the type where the patient does not get enough time to reach the restroom before which leaks happens. There is a very strong desire to pass urine and often the leak happens in socially unacceptable surroundings. Combined with symptoms of increased frequency of urination during day and night leads to the characteristic “overactive bladder syndrome”.

Nocturnal enuresis: Involuntary bed wetting after gaining childhood social continence during sleep is usually a sign of something more sinister.


There are various treatments available starting from medications to surgeries that can be used to treat these urinary problems. Quitting smoking, eating healthy, exercising, etc. could improve overall health and reduce the intensity of these issues. However, if there is no noticeable improvement in symptoms, visit to a urinary specialist is in order. Dr. Sanjay Razdan and his world class team commonly treat such issues. If you need a urine problems specialist in Miami, Dr. Razdan is one of the most experienced urologists. Patients travel from around the world to seek treatment from him. Dr. Razdan will help decide the best medication, procedure or treatment to deal with your specific urinary issue.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Razdan, contact us today.

The above is for general information and CANNOT substitute the scientific evaluation by a health care provider.

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